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Guided by Patrick Chia

Designed with Eunice Er and Jervenne Teo​



The brief was to design a new food experience in the context of a food cart/stall, where the food will be finished and served directly to the customer. Have you as a child, anxiously waited, as a stick is placed into a spinning cyclone of white lines and witness cotton candy slowly but magically take form? Have you also noticed the excitement that it ellicits from other children as you walk around eating your cotton candy?


We were inspired by Alinea's Edible Helium Balloon and how it could trigger emotion in people. These theatrical and mesmerising qualities in pulling emotion out of people before, during, and after they eat, led us to work with jelly as a material. Jelly embodies fun, silly, lighthearted happiness -- to enable people to experience and consume this fun was our goal. 


We tested various jelling agents for their optical clarity and wobbliness, experimented with different jelly shapes and forms, and created variations of handles in which these jellies could be served. Through our exploratory approach, we discovered that we could create a small suction between the jellies and the handle through an indentation in the base. This allowed for maximum wobbling fun without having to worry about your jelly slipping off. You can even invert the whole handle completely. 

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