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Curated by Patrick Chia and Eizo Okada


Exhibited at Ventura Future during

Salone del Mobile Milano 2018


Exchanged Forms - A collaboration between the Design Incubation Centre (National University of Singapore) and Kyoto Design Lab (Kyoto Institute of Technology)


3D Printed Nylon, Maple Wood




"Can students in Singapore and Kyoto engage in a meaningful collaboration without meeting each other in person? Is there a method of design that takes advantage of the fact that they are not directly seeing each other? From these questions, we derived the theme: “Exchanged Forms”.


Students first take pictures of objects and sceneries that are typical in their country, and then send them to the students in the other country with a short description. Thanks to the inevitable misinterpretation that accompanies this process, we produced objects that reflect qualities of both Singapore and Kyoto”


Prof. Eizo Okada, Kyoto Institute of Technology           





Kyoto is home to the finest Uji Tea productions in Japan. Tubo is a trio of lidded canisters for storing items within. The lids are a graphical extraction of the sinuous, tubular tea aisles spanning across the mountainsides of Kyoto, emphasising its three-dimensional, lush quality. 



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